When to use STUFF instead of REPLACE – SQL Server

The STUFF function in SQL Server ‘inserts’ a string into another string. It deletes a specified length of characters in the first string at the start position and then inserts the second string into the first string at the start position.

REPLACE on the other hand replaces all occurrences of a specified string value with another string value.

The STUFF function is useful when you are not sure of the characters to replace, but you do know the position of the character. I saw an excellent implementation of this function over here by GMastros and Even. Here’s the code with a practical usage of STUFF:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_StripCharacters]
@MatchExpression VARCHAR(255)
SET @MatchExpression = '%['+@MatchExpression+']%'

WHILE PatIndex(@MatchExpression, @String) > 0
SET @String = STUFF(@String, PatIndex(@MatchExpression,
@String), 1, '')

RETURN @String


SELECT dbo.fn_StripCharacters('a1$%s#22d&39#f4$', '^a-z')
as OnlyAlphabets



About The Author

Suprotim Agarwal, MCSD, MCAD, MCDBA, MCSE, is the founder of DotNetCurry, DNC Magazine for Developers, SQLServerCurry and DevCurry. He has also authored a couple of books 51 Recipes using jQuery with ASP.NET Controls and a new one recently at The Absolutely Awesome jQuery CookBook.

Suprotim has received the prestigous Microsoft MVP award for nine times in a row now. In a professional capacity, he is the CEO of A2Z Knowledge Visuals Pvt Ltd, a digital group that represents premium web sites and digital publications comprising of Professional web, windows, mobile and cloud developers, technical managers, and architects.

Get in touch with him on Twitter @suprotimagarwal, LinkedIn or befriend him on Facebook

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